Rigs: The V-Rig

In this section I will share with you one of the most effective rigs in catching the Patin catfish: The V-Rig or "Rig Tanduk" in Malay. Rigs in fishing generally mean the way you set up your terminal tackle, i.e.: the part of your equipment that touches the water. Make no mistake, this rig is an all-rounder and can be used on either salt or fresh water to catch a variety of fishes as long as you size your hook right. In this tutorial the target species is my favourite fish to catch, the Patin catfish.

For this Rig you will need:
At least 2x Size 8 to 12 'Chinu' Hooks
At least 1x Barrel Swivel rated for 30 lbs and above.
             1x Snap Swivel rated for 30 lbs and above.
             1x 6mm to 8mm soft bead
             1x 10 gram slip-sinker or heavier

The diagram shown is for mid-water column fishing. For bottom fishing, you can just add a 10 gram lead sinker to the snap swivel (Component 4)

Note that multiple sets of components 5, 6, and 7 can be prepared and baited and swapped by using the snap swivel to save time, especially when time is literally money in paypond fishing, where you pay by the hour to fish there.

A variation of the V-Rig to catch Patin during rainy days or night-time when they are higher up the water column can be used if the paypond allows the use of floats or bobbers:

I recommend that all leaders used to be monofilament or fluorocarbon line of 40 lbs and above.

If you have trouble understanding the rigs feel free to post any questions in the comments and I will try my best to answer them.


  1. Hi Wisey, your blog has been really helpful for a newbie like me. The whole rig tying and set up is something completely new to me and i wanted to say thanks for a step by step guide . Hope to bump into you in one of these payponds one of these days ! cheers !

    1. Hey there! I am glad that these posts are able to help you :) Hit me up if you need someone to guide you through buying your tackle!
